20 Sept 2014

Science Alive - Forensic fairytales

The three little bears found their house a mess when they came home but Goldilocks had been asleep. Who messed up the house?

Anna from Science Alive talked to us about how Scientists predict, observe and question. We will need to use these skills to solve the mystery.
We wore lab coats, safety goggles and used test tubes too.
Footprints were found on the mat. We Observed and analysed patterns and
soil composition in a shoe print.

Fingerprints were also left on the door. We concluded they matched Ben's. 
Children then experimented with different liquids to find which drink left the 'acidic stain' spilled on the table. 
The acidic vinegar smelled strong!
Milk, raro, milkshake and milo were tested by mixing it in with water and an 'indicator'.

The raro turned red which meant it was acidic.
We dissolved milk and milkshake powder, milo and raro into water to discover who left the stain.

Ink samples were tested and compared using
chromatography to find out who wrote the note?

Boys observing how the water can separate out pigments in different ink mixtures.

We gathered all the evidence stars to see who we would conclude was the culprit.

It was  Lucy!

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