14 May 2014

How long does it take to decompose (rot)?

Today we investigated how long different kinds of rubbish take to rot away.
We took turns choosing some rubbish out of the bag and placing it on the timeline according to how long we thought it would take to rot away.
"I think the Styrofoam will take 500 years because it's a bit like plastic".

"I think the plastic container will take 100 years".

"I think the nylon fabric will take forever".
Then we moved the rubbish to the correct time it takes for it to rot away.
What surprised us?
"I thought the Styrofoam would rot after 1 week", said Katie.
"I am surprised that apples CAN rot", said William.
"I thought plastic bottles would take longer than 500 years", said Jamie.
"The glass DOESN"T rot", said Vesper.
"I thought the cardboard would not rot but it only takes 2 months", said Emily.