12 Dec 2014

Junior talent show

Well done to the girls who danced in the talent show. 
You were outstanding!

9 Dec 2014

Junior picnic

Thank you to everyone who came along yesterday evening. The sun shone and the children performed beautifully. 

Aotearoa Christmas

The sights and sounds of Christmas

New Zealand money

Today we looked at New Zealand money.
New Zealand coins
New Zealand notes

6 Dec 2014

Room 15's Christmas tree

Under our Christmas tree are cans of food that we will be donating to the 'help the homeless' charity.

The children decorated the tree themselves. Well done everyone, it looks great!

Thank you cards

Being Respectful has been our Ilam School value this week and writing thank you cards to our swim buddies was a great way to demonstrate respectful manners

3 Dec 2014

Junior school talent show finalists...

Congratulations to Jamie, Rhona, Riley and Daisy who have been selected to go through to the finals.

Keep practising girls and remember to smile at the audience. 

We look forward to seeing you perform next Wednesday afternoon in the hall from 1.30pm

All families are welcome to attend.